
Cross DJ Android Feature Suggestions
Hi Guys, Just following up a post I made on Discord (username there is CJB) with a couple of suggestions for the Cross DJ Android app. These are based on personal preference, but I think they'd add to the experience for a lot of users. EQ Kill Buttons - These would be useful given the app has multi touch, as they'd let you make quick frequency cuts/swaps, e.g. swapping baselines on 2 tracks. I find this is hard to achieve cleanly with the EQ sliders, and it feels like Kill buttons would be a good fit in a touch workflow. Potentially these could just be created by turning the current labels for each EQ into a button, so not requiring any additional screen space. Mixer and stacked waveform view - I'd like the option to display the stacked waveform view above the mixer and EQ's, so that there's a full view of what's going on when using those controls. There used to be a similar view in the old versions of the app (albeit it was decks above the mixer), and it'd prevent the need to skip back and forth between screens mid mix. I think the iOS v4 has a similar decks above mixer view looking at the recent release video. 1 Beat Sync option - Not as important as the first two suggestions for me, but would be a nice to have. I prefer 1 beat sync rather than 4 as there's always the odd track that has a phrase shift somewhere, which throws the grid off. 1 Beat Sync would avoid problems with these tracks Used have access to the Beta forum for the Desktop version a long time ago and would be happy to assist in Beta testing any features you may introduce moving forwards if that would be of use. Regards, Chris
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